
We have all type of dog breeds which commonly you can see like Labrador, German Shepards, Boxer, Doberman, Shihtzu, Golden Retrivers, Beagle, Cocker Spaniel etc and also we can provide Rare exotic breeds like Bcollies, Corgi, Cane Corso, British Bulldog, Akita and many more.

Yes, we do have maltese puppy, To know more detailed info you can directly call us feel free to ask all the queries.

You can check out our breed info section, in which you can get a short brief about both the breeds and also you can get an idea about other breeds too. To know more detailed you can directly connect with us at Dog Zone Kennel

There is not a single breed who don’t like to walk, all the dog breed love to walk and play, which create a different bond between pet parent and your beloved dog they love for long walks for a certain time period or health conditions. Habbits might be change as per their stage of maturity. Small breed dogs like Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Beagles, Cocker Spaniel, Shihtzu, Maltese, Poodles, Corgi can perform well in apartments.

The right age of adopting a puppy is almost 8 weeks or onwards, when they are fully self depended and weaned from their mother or mother is trying to DE attach the babies from mother milk.

Well it is all up to you whether, it is male or female both can be your best friend and give you unconditional love. There is always a myth that male dogs can be kept easily rather than females due to their cycles. But males also has their own requirements once they grown. So eather male or female both are best companion in terms of a good dog lover.

As a Dog loving community we never say to don’t adopt an Indie or Indian Dog Breed, as that must be our priority to give our Indian breed a shelter, they are very good in guarding as well as companion, if they are well trained, maintained and socilesed. That is all up to you and your choice that what kind of dog breed you are looking for.

Scientifically you can start the training program after 8 weeks by luring process. And the ideal age up to 12 months until they count as puppy during this age the level of their learning capability will be higher on side. If someone got late for the training there is no issues at all their dogs also can be trained but take little more time then the puppies.

In terms of security we assume German Shepards, Doberman, Rottweilers, Cane Corso, Dogue Argentino, Boxers, French Mastiff etc are the best guard dogs.

No, there is not a single dog which don’t shed, all type of long, short, smooth, wolly etc coat dog breeds will shed for sure, if they are not maintained enough or in discrepancy of nutrient what they required.

We utilize positive reinforcement techniques, which involve rewarding desired behaviors to encourage their repetition. Our methods are science-based, humane, and focused on building a strong bond between you and your dog.

Training sessions typically last around 45 minutes to an hour. The duration may vary based on your dog's attention span and the complexity of the training goals.

The number of sessions depends on your dog's current skills, temperament, and your training objectives. Our trainers will assess your dog and provide a personalized training plan that outlines the expected timeline.

Absolutely. Our trainers are experienced in addressing a wide range of behavior issues, including barking, leash pulling, aggression, and separation anxiety. We'll work closely with you to develop strategies for positive behavior change.

We offer both group and individual training options. Group sessions provide socialization opportunities, while individual sessions offer focused attention tailored to your dog's needs.

Preparing your home for a new puppy involves puppy-proofing the environment, obtaining essential supplies, and creating a safe and comfortable space for your new furry family member. We provide guidance and a checklist to help you prepare.

Each breed has its unique temperament and traits. We provide information about the temperament of each breed we offer to help you make an informed decision.

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